Dec 17, 2006
This Dharma Talk on Case 21 of the Hekiganroku (The Blue Cliff Records) was given on Dec. 17th, 2006 at Chobo-ji's monthly half-day mini-sesshin, Seattle, WA. This Dharma Talk includes thoughts about the "Quiet Power" that gives rise to the universe.
Nov 12, 2006
This Dharma Talk on Case 20 of the Hekiganroku (The Blue Cliff Records) was given on Nov. 12th, 2006 at Chobo-ji's monthly half-day mini-sesshin, Seattle, WA. This Dharma Talk includes material on "Why did Bodhidarma come from the West?"
Oct 8, 2006
This Dharma Talk on Zen Master Gutei and his use of One Finger to represent all of Zen is case 19 of the Hekiganroku given by Genjo Marinello Osho, abbot of the Chobo Ji Zen Temple in Seattle WA.
Sep 10, 2006
Dharma Talk by Rev. Genjo Marinello given in 2006 in Case 12 of the Hekiganroku, Zen Master Tozan says Masagin.
Jul 1, 2006
Dharma Talk given by Rev. Genjo Marinello in 2006 on Case 11 of the Hekiganroku about Zen Master Obaku and his statement that there are No Zen Teachers.