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Chobo-Ji's Zen Podcast


Rinzai Zen Dharma Talks given at the Seattle Zen Temple

Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji

or other locations associated with Chobo-Ji.

Dec 2, 2014

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho on Dec. 2nd, 2014 the third day of Rohatsu Sesshin.  This talk explores Case 36 of the Mumonkan, where Zen Master Goso asks: how do you greet a person of the Way without words or silence?  Integrating the universal and the personal how do we live this life?

Oct 12, 2014

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho on Oct. 12h, 2014 at Chobo-Ji.  This talk explores Case 32 of the Mumonkan, where a non-Buddhist questions the Buddha.  When does silence trump all other discourse?  What does it mean to be a good world citizen?

Sep 29, 2014

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho on Sept. 29th, 2014 at Chobo-Ji, the third day of Autumn Sesshin.  This talk explores Case 29 of the Mumonkan, where the Sixth Chinese Zen Ancestor chastises two monks. The heart of Zen training is not found in what can be said or explained.