Sep 29, 2021
This Teisho, on Case 22 of the Mumonkan, was given by Genjo Osho on the fifth day of Autumn Sesshin 2021. It examines the warm, moist, intimacy of infinite depth that is cellularly available to all followers of the Way. This talk also looks at being at the edge of life and death in the warm ocean of infinite expanse.
Sep 28, 2021
This Teisho on Patacara, as told in the Hidden Lamp, was given by Genjo Osho on the middle day of Autumn Sesshin 2021. It examines the Buddhist perspective on how to face this matter of life and death, and the fact that we lose everyone and everything if we live long enough.
Sep 27, 2021
This Teisho on Case 21 of the Mumonkan was given by Genjo Osho on the third day of Autumn Sesshin 2021. It examines how hearing our inner sage is hampered by our own internal constipation.
Sep 26, 2021
This Teisho on Case 20 of the Mumonkan was given by Genjo Osho on the second day of Autumn Sesshin 2021. It examines the qualities of great strength from a Zen perspective, and speaks of Carolyn's path of rehabilitation.
Sep 25, 2021
This Teisho on Case 1 of the Mumonkan was given by Genjo Osho on the first day of Autumn Sesshin 2021. It examines the Zen approach to our fundamental nature.