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Chobo-Ji's Zen Podcast


Rinzai Zen Dharma Talks given at the Seattle Zen Temple

Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji

or other locations associated with Chobo-Ji.

Apr 28, 2022

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho during the April, 23, 2022, Walla Walla Sangha half-day retreat. This talk examines Case 42 of the Mumonkan and explores why Manjusri, the teacher of all the Buddha's, could not awaken a woman in deep meditation.

Apr 10, 2022

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho during the April, 10, 2022, Zazenkai at Chobo-Ji, examining Case 41 of the Mumonkan. This Teisho explores Bodhidharma and his disciple Shinko Eka. How do we find the source of peace of mind?

Apr 1, 2022

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho on the final day of Spring Sesshin, 2022. This talk on Case 19 of the Mumonkan examines how our ordinary life must become our enlightened life.