Jun 26, 2013
Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho on the 5th day of Summer Sesshin 2013. It examines Anroku Case 7 of The Book of Rinzai. In this case, Obaku holds up his hoe as the whole universe, and Rinzai takes it from him. Wizardry without any need for a wizard, just be ordinary, caring, insightful and know your limitations...
Jun 9, 2013
This Teisho by Genjo Marinello Osho was given at the Chobo-Ji half-day sit on June 9th, 2013. It examines the Rinzairoku-Anroku Chapter 2 where Master Obaku challenges Master Rinzai about the planting of Pine Trees. Why do we do what we do?