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Chobo-Ji's Zen Podcast


Rinzai Zen Dharma Talks given at the Seattle Zen Temple

Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji

or other locations associated with Chobo-Ji.

Sep 27, 2020

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho during the Autumn 2020 Odayaka Sesshin at Chobo-Ji. This talk explores one way to dive deep into our Nature by dying, breath after breath, on the meditation cushion.

Sep 26, 2020

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho on the 2nd day of Autumn 2020 Odayaka Sesshin at Chobo-Ji. This talk explores Case 94 of The Book of Equanimity and examines can we serve others even when close to death?

Sep 13, 2020

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this Teisho during the Sept. 2020 Zazenkai at Chobo-Ji. This talk explores Case 92 of The Book of Equanimity and examines how do we hold forth our torch in these trying times.

Sep 7, 2020

Genjo Marinello Osho gave this informal Dharma talk Sunday evening, Sept. 6, 2020, after zazen at Chobo-Ji. This talk examines 10 levels of consciousness.